Python coder and pixel artist with neither sanity nor happiness.
Discord: elt.bicky (EltBicky#4304)

Elt Bicky @Eltro2kneo

Age 31, Male




Joined on 4/12/08

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Eltro2kneo's News

Posted by Eltro2kneo - January 23rd, 2011

Seriously, I'm going insane about these governments with their stupid new laws for 2011!

I'd rather wait for the 2012 apocalypse to happen than to stand for this shit!

And yes, I'm starting to believe in 2012 now that I experienced a few Earth quakes about a few months ago, and Earth's resources are close to zero in North Korea's case of rubber materials becoming rare.

Posted by Eltro2kneo - December 30th, 2010

Why the fuck when I play online my rank gets reseted? I was PRIVATE II in that game, I had to reset the game and now my stats say that I'm PRIVATE I, how the hell did I rank down so fast? Is there a hacker ruining the game? Then when I try playing again, it resets again. Is it not saving my progress at all?

I've been playing online for 5 days and this bullshit happened today.

Does any of this happen to any of you? Is there a way to fix this problem? I'm pretty sure some dick head would come here and say "to fix this problem, go kill yourself, stop playing, suck a dick, (any thing else related to trolling)". So I'm not taking those shitty advices I mentioned above, try to be as helpful as possible.

This rank down glitch made me wanna stop playing that game and go back to Kill Zone2.

Posted by Eltro2kneo - December 9th, 2010

The payday happened yesterday:

It's been months (since October)I haven't gotten payed from my practice and I was wondering when will I stop working in that ironically crappy job (which has nothing to do with my workshop at all), but the answer was obvious.

Just by completing 250 hours on a $7.25 salary, and the weeks of Hell are over..... for now...

Until 2 months later, my paycheck came and got $401.75 for doing absolutely NOTHING.

Now, to be honest, I don't care how big or small the salaries are. All I care is how many hours I accumulated. And no Cash fag will tell me to spend big shits that're meaningless to reality (Ex: Games, toys and accessories).

Posted by Eltro2kneo - November 17th, 2010

I'm from Electronics shop class and I got a job for the practice to learn more of my shop class. Not for the money, you don't need money if you have it.

So I got this job at the end of October and it turns out to be nothing like electronics. Instead it's for stupid cop equipment with little of my workshop, just seizure lights and ear bleeding noises. What the hell is wrong with these cops with their crap that's painful to the five senses?! Fuck that!

I do very little in that job, JUST MOVING BOXES AND NOTHING ELSE! Plus I have an asshole "taxi man" who thinks he's boss when he isn't and happens to be my class mate. One day I'll hammer his face so that he wont show me this "I command you" attitude bullshit and burn his bibles and all the churches he goes to. I forgot to mention he's a Christianity junk-fuck and a Special Ed kid.

I talked to my dad about this and realizes that I should quit after getting paid (end of November) because I really need the education (It's more important in my country than shit money) to expand my electronic skills AND NOT BULLSHIT LIKE HEARING LOWED NOISE, GETTING SEIZURES BY COP LIGHTS OR DOING SHIT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY WORKSHOP!!! I NEED TO GET BETTER AT ELECTRONICS GOD DAMN IT!!

And like I said before, I'm not there for the money, I'm there for my practice. Those greed fagots should understand that by now. They can have sex with dirty money all day long, but I have more important things to do than money.

Yet my brother says otherwise while not knowing jack shit of what you can do with high education.

Here's what you can do with education:

1: Put it to practice. $0
2: After practice, use it for great strategies for any field. $0
3: Communicate better depending on what society you studied. $0
4: Make documentaries locally. $0
5: Expansion and satisfactory. priceless

So many things you can do without the use of trash money. Silly cash fagots (and I also included my brother and all my class mates as CASH FAGOTS cause that's all they care for and would bitch and wine just because I don't work in holidays and "I don't get payed", which is something you ignorant people shouldn't care for), resources and come first.

Fuck that job, I wont learn how to do shit because of it, it's time to quit this waste of time as it gives nothing (if you say "because it gives you no money" you need to be slapped hard in the face for being a cash fag so stop feeding the junkies) for my needs.

UPDATE: Now the asshole "taxi man" (who's no longer my taxi driver) works for the company? Now that's just a cheap excuse to continue his assholery even further by being the wannabe boss! I'm starting to lose it.

Posted by Eltro2kneo - October 22nd, 2010

This is going to be a slightly pissed off blog. Why slightly pissed off? Because at most times, I make a blog post, either when I'm severely pissed off of things that never leave me alone, or my capacitor is full of charges and stocks.

This time, is because my capacitor is maxed out due to depression.

When you leave home to hand in some papers, you assume you threw away the flawed one. Then add the fact that you have someone who tells on you + a person who looks for evidence no matter what you say to him.

You gain difficulty in trying to end the subject, plus you have someone invading your personal things for evidence. This results in high amounts of stress and sometimes depression.

Oh, but the bullshit doesn't stop there. This happens in a daily bases, even in your best days get ruined by behaviors like these.

Posted by Eltro2kneo - August 6th, 2010

Don't you get tired of people giving you EVERYTHING you didn't ask for nor like?

And most of the time, they don't tell you what the food looks like nor what it has.

You have to be VERY specific with your meal, because if you don't, you'll get what you think is shit. For instants, I wanted a burger (I don't like salads nor cheese in it), and then YOU GET A BURGER WITH EVERYTHING IN IT WITHOUT SHOWING WHAT IT HAS IN IT AND WITHOUT SPECIFYING HOW WOULD YOU LIKE THE BURGER!!! I kept making this bullshit mistake in every first try.

At some restaurants, the people who work there are retarded, they can easily fuck up your meal till it tastes like raw shit. Sometimes it's not the worker's fault for making the food taste like shit, instead, it could be the food for not being fresh.

Don't you get tired of this bullshit? Then take my advice: STOP GOING TO RESTAURANTS, and go to the stores to buy food for home instead, that way you wont be disappointed by these retards who can't work in a restaurant.

It's a good idea to stop going since every restaurant is bad for your health, there's no point in going on.

Posted by Eltro2kneo - August 4th, 2010

I'm 17 and now I'm sad. :(

Btw, this is the first time I made a post this short.

Posted by Eltro2kneo - July 6th, 2010

For those who are familiar with "the rules of the internet", I'm here to tell all of you why is it fake and childish by reading every rule and write commentaries beneath.

But before I start, "the rules of the internet" were only written by an uneducated child who only jerks off to porn in a daily bases and chain messaged this abomination of text to everyone to actually believe this fallacy. A lot of these rules are very stupid, pointless and have no connection to the real meaning and main purpose of the internet that all of these childish rules are not real and must not be used for many reasons.

I'll tell you this once and I wont repeat. The internet was not made just for porn you childish sick fucks, it was made for large sources of information and media. And no, it doesn't have "80% porn" that is overestimating the amount with only the number of hits it has.

The entire internet has 2 Billion websites and pornography only has 50 Million. That's nothing near 80% of the internet, children, instead that's 2% of the internet. Ironic, don't you think? I say that's pathetic compared those 2 Billion.

So without further a due, I'm going to review these pathetic nonexistent rules you speak of:

1: Do not talk about /b/.
And what happens if we talk about /b/? Nothing, the subject about Anonymous people is very interesting. Don't tell me you got this "/b/" from a chan site.

2: Do NOT talk about /b/.
You already have this rule, it's pointless to repeat it.

3: We are Anonymous.
Not everyone who use the internet is an anonymous, we all have names for profiles. How can this be a rule, it doesn't pose anything to be a rule at all. We are Ermac.

4: Anonymous are legion.
Another rule that's not even a rule, just another description about Anonymous people, which contradicts rules 1 and 2.

5: Anonymous never forgives.
Yet another rule that describes the anonymous, this one is a bit more of a rule than the previous ones. However, this rule only corrupts the behavior of a human, so it must not be tolerated.

6: Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.
It's possible for someone to be an asshole, but you shouldn't, it only corrupts you.

7: Anonymous is still able to deliver.
Not all sites an anonymous can deliver in.

8: There are no real rules about posting.
As long as there are no administrators. But there are no real rules for the internet either.

9: There are no real rules about moderation either -enjoy your ban.
Wow a rule that contradicts itself in saying "Enjoy your ban", where you can actually get banned and there are rules.

10: If you enjoy any rival sites - DON'T.
It's unwise to have rules that control your way of liking.

11: All your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored.
That's not completely true, you can pick any argument you'd like without being ignored.

12: Anything you say can be used against you.
This only occurs in an argument with a troll not with everyone else.

13: Anything you say can be turn into something else - fixed
Only in Wiki sites and editable sites, nowhere else.

14: Do not argue with trolls - it means that they win.
Trolls are nothing but people who want attention and negative responses. You must identify the troll before arguing.

15: The harder you try, the harder you will fail.
Definitely a false moral. When you try hard enough, it will increase the chances of success, like the word "definitely" I was trying to spell it right as hard as I could until I succeeded.

16: If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure.
This however, makes no sense. How can some one fail and win a fail?

17: Every win fails eventually
If it gets beaten by something bigger or its new stuff is incompatible that is.

18: Everything that can be labeled can be hated.
You mean like a shitty movie with "good anime" label? Saw that in Dragon Ball Evolution.

19: The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.
This is really not true, when something is severely hated, it loses support, it doesn't gain it from the haters, it's only gained from the fans.

20: Nothing is to be taking seriously.
Oh, you mean like these rules? Wow, that really kills it. But seriously (LOL), there's a lot of things to be taken seriously, like internet news, relevant information, big companies, site property, viruses, etc.

21: Original content is original only for a few seconds before getting old.
This tells me that whoever wrote this, lacked patience.

22: Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
Cut n' paste is only made for cloning the same information, not for ridiculous shit like this.

23: Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
Did you have to repeat?

24: Every repost is always a repost of a repost.
This one is trying to be funny, but it's not. It's not true either. Not always a repost of a repost, it rarely happens.

25: Relation to the original topic decreases with every post.
That's if you change the subject. The number of post does not affect the post relativity.

26: Any topic can be easily turned into something totally unrelated.
A topic is unrelated? To what? This rule is missing something.

27: Always question a person's sexual prefrences without any real reason.
This is unnecessary, why do something for no reason? I also noted that this kid doesn't know how to spell "preferences" right.

28: Always question a person's gender - just in case it's really a man.
Why question someone's gender? That has no relevance at all.

29: In the internet all girls are men and all kids are undercover FBI agents.
How pathetic, using infinity-type words (Every, All, None, Always, Never) does not make this rule valid.

30: There are no girls on the internet.
This is completely not true, I have friends that are girls and have Face Book accounts.

31: TITS or GTFO - the choice is yours.
Very pathetic, there are thousands of other things in the internet than just pornography you inept child who refuses to look at anything else but porn.

32: You must have pictures to prove your statements.
You must also have common sense to judge your statements properly. And your childish rules are just text. However, pictures only apply in evidential discussions.

33: Lurk more - it's never enough.
This only downgrades your physical attributes and it's unhealthy to be in front of the screen 24/7 without any short break from it. Although you learn a lot of relevance from the internet if you don't waste it all on one thing, porn.

Of course, the most famous Rule34: There is no porn of it, no exceptions.
This rule claims to have any connection with the main purpose of the internet, yet it fails drastically resulting in uneducated fappers that only use the internet for the most irrelevant source ever known, porn. No porn is necessary for a certain franchise, honestly. So don't be forced by these pathetic rules that a child made.

35: If no porn is found at the moment, it will be made.
Another pathetic rule that is really unnecessary to follow. You don't need to make porn if there's none of it at the time. This rule only applies to porn sites, which take 2% of the entire internet. O' the sweet irony for these porn fags.

36: There will always be even more fucked up shit than what you just saw.
Fucked up shit I just saw? You mean THESE RULES? Another thing that kills it. So far this childish "rules of the internet" bullshit really laughs at itself.

37: You cannot divide by zero (just because the calculator says so)
What does this have anything to do with the internet? None

38: No real limits of any kind apply here - not even the sky
The only thing limitless in the internet is its data storage, nothing else, and what sky?

No. All caps is only considered yelling, that's not cool.

Steer what?

41: Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes.
Desu has nothing related to the internet, so that makes this rule completely invalid

42: Nothing is sacred.
Yet another invalid rule? So far, these "rules" are not important rules at all.

43: The more beautiful and pure a thing is - the more satisfying it is to corrupt it.
This only increases the number of pointless trolls.

44: Even one positive comment about Japanese things can make you a weeaboo.
Positive Japanese things do not make you a wapanese unless you want to be a Japanese yourself. This is also a sign of discrimination

45: When one sees a lion, one must get into the car

46: There is always furry porn of it.
Not true, not always.

47: The pool is always closed.
Congratulations porn-fag child, you have made the STUPIDEST RULES FOR THE INTERNET EVER MADE AND CHAIN MESSAGED. End of story.

What's the final results for these pathetic childish rules that are nonexistent?
1: Unnecessary
2: Stupid
3: Redundant
4: Irrelevant
5: Obviously fake and not real for how ridiculous they are.

When you see these rules or one of them, please avoid them at all costs as they have no logical reasoning and are only made by a kid who lives in a basement watching nothing but porn and refuses to watch something else and can't understand the real purpose of the internet.

Because the truth is, there are no rules in the internet, you can make whatever website you want and add whatever rules you want to your own site. You don't need a retard to govern the internet with these stupid rules at the top, because they're meaningless.

So do what ever you want and make any website you want.

Posted by Eltro2kneo - June 4th, 2010

Welcome to How To Block Justin Bieber:

Eltro Mato here will teach how to block that pathetic pop kid once and for all with an easy step by step:

#1: Go to this link: Shaved Bieber
#2: Download the app for your computer
#3: Enjoy the amusement of Bieber censorship

You will no longer see his name mentioned nor his photos seen (well, most of the photos) in the lower regions of the internet and you're Justin Bieber free.

If you have a girl friend or a sister who likes Justin Bieber and she mite use your computer, she will be shocked and lost trying to find him (If the pictures don't show and the safety's on that is).


Posted by Eltro2kneo - April 2nd, 2010

Not only Nickelodeon has failed to be a good, fun kids channel, but it was Viacom who's failing.

A large corrupt corporation that owns Nickelodeon and has let the channel fall apart with pointless teen drama and distorted values being fed to kids, it removed over 160,000 "fair use" uploads(uploads made by children who watched Nickelodeon until 2005 it started to suck), is investing billions of dollars on 63,000 (ignoring the other 97,000 uploads on You Tube). They claim they removed 60 - 70 uploads by mistake, without realizing they removed 160,000 by mistake. They also make toys that are poorly designed and too sexual to a child's education and they don't realize they made horrible toys that teach kids the wrong thing. They made secret account to fool people to upload Viacom material so that they remove more.

It turns out that Nickelodeon was nothing but a fallacy and a decoy to distract us. It's wasn't a real channel at all, it was dead since the year 2002 (When Invader Zim was canceled).

Viacom needs to be taken down before all the kids die.