Python coder and pixel artist with neither sanity nor happiness.
Discord: elt.bicky (EltBicky#4304)

Elt Bicky @Eltro2kneo

Age 31, Male




Joined on 4/12/08

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9,096 / 9,340
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7.07 votes
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well, its not that i want to contradict you or anything but, you'd go pretty far with money. i once remembered a story about an illiterate guy who want to get a job as a bookie at the local whorehous who ended up on a giant fruit selling empire just because he came across some apple. plus, a good, or even decent education costs money. it costs a lot to go to college, to get a car, to buy a home, and to serenade your loved ones. you need money to make money. what good is an education, if you have no base to build upon it?
a high education is a good, and useful thing in life, bu money also brings in influence and influence brings in support, and support brings in more money, which you could use to buy stuff to make your life, and your education easier. how will you pay bills, how will you support your family, kids? money factors into a lot of things, so does an education, but i choose being economy savvy, over being a genius on one subject alone. if you can be one step ahead of the economy, if you can guess what will become popular and what wont, if you can understand the humans need for product, then you can build an empire. then from said empire, you can gain an education, them spread your influence.

oh, and please do not call out a certain group of people, race, religion, or gender, its just rude. that being said, a large population in the world is christian.

Long is long......

1: I didn't go too far with money, money went too far with me.
2: I already have money. If you need it, you don't have it, if you have it, you don't need it. Get it?
3: Simple, you don't need a base to get education, you gain it from experience mostly.
4: Money only brings greed into the table, one big flaw that overshadows it and what I can't stand. And like I said before, I'm in a country of piss poor education more poor than its money.
5: Look sir, the more money there is in the world, the less valuable (rare). And there are many things more valuable than money.
6: I'd rather get all the info straight from the internet/experience and do experiments to learn than to spend money on something I can get for free.
7: After I graduate from high school I'll get a better job, but I'm not planning on having children. But buying a house comes 10 years later when I think about it.
8: It factors in lots only because of the Monetary system. A system that's falling apart these days.
9: I'd rather go with education, because remember, I'm not in the U.S. for you to tell me to pick otherwise. The education in my country is much more rare than what you think it is.
10: Forget the humans, we're all doomed anyways no matter what we do. Humans can't fix anything.
11: Where did you come from in talking about empires now? That's so primitive.
12: The religion thing is not true. Earth is not mostly Christian. That religion has broken morality and it's overrated. And I should call out every Christianity fanboy, if you don't know why, then look for every single popular fanbase and republican party and you'll see why I'm calling them out.

I'm calling out Christianity junkies, because all they do is forcing beliefs on people, listening to everything that the bible says literally regardless of its old metaphors.

When it comes to calling out the most overrated religion known as Christianity, NOTHING IS RUDE FOR DOING SO. Literal beliefs and self contradicted morals are as crippled as a completely deformed, disabled life cell covered in cancer.

1: I didn't go too far with money, money went too far with me.

of course, if you let it take over your life. just dont let it, unless you dont have the will power for it.

2: I already have money. If you need it, you don't have it, if you have it, you don't need it. Get it?

no, im pretty sure that if you dont have it, then you will need it.

3: Simple, you don't need a base to get education, you gain it from experience mostly.

yes, but education also costs money. it looks better on a job resume to have gone to a good college, then to have a lot of experience on things.

4: Money only brings greed into the table, one big flaw that over resume to have shadows it and what I can't stand. And like I said before, I'm in a country of piss poor education more poor than its money.

it brings greed if, again, you let it take over you. greed is a human factor, just like hope and fear. if you dont let it get in your mind, than it wont affect you as much, or not at all.

5: Look sir, the more money there is in the world, the less valuable (rare). And there are many things more valuable than money.

im pretty sure thats called inflation. and true, there is more valuable things then money. when it comes down to it, money is only good for burning, but because of the government, it becomes a natural part of our lives. it has gone to appoint that in countries that use money over bartering, that they need money, which with makes it hard to survive... what is your country exactly. i need it to have a better perspective of your point of view.

6: I'd rather get all the info straight from the internet/experience and do experiments to learn than to spend money on something I can get for free.

yes, but with buying that something and having proof of it, like a certificate or plaque, gives you credibility over your knowledge. i, and most people, like credibility. better go to a gynocologist than a rapist, is what this girl i know always says.(messed up, right?)

7: After I graduate from high school I'll get a better job, but I'm not planning on having children. But buying a house comes 10 years later when I think about it.

not having children is your choice, which you'll probably change when you get a wife. now, where will you live after you graduate? will you just live with your parents or in an apartment, which costs money, or with a friend?

8: It factors in lots only because of the Monetary system. A system that's falling apart these days.

yes, in some places it is, but in the end, everyone yearns for simplicity and economic sense. they will usually stay with money over trading eggs for cows.

9: I'd rather go with education, because remember, I'm not in the U.S. for you to tell me to pick otherwise. The education in my country is much more rare than what you think it is.

again, that is very tough. i remember when i was younger and i lived in a poor area near eastern asia. we had to improvise and work a lot, we had to make our own food and supplies, and we mainly lived in bamboo homes, which was actually beautiful against the scenic areas.. education is a very valuable thing, but until your government crashes, money still has a footholed over everything.

10: Forget the humans, we're all doomed anyways no matter what we do. Humans can't fix anything.

true, we will always let the worse part of ourselves surface, and it will ruin everything from the economy to the world, but what we can do while we are alive is thrive. we can make better lives for ourselves and the ones we love.

11: Where did you come from in talking about empires now? That's so primitive.

im pretty sure i got it from that story of the illiterate guy who made a fruit selling empire over selling apples he bought to people twice as much as he bought it for. true, it is primitive, but it still works. he electronic empire, the film empire, the video game empire. everythng connects with an empire one way or another.

12: The religion thing is not true. Earth is not mostly Christian. That religion has broken morality and it's overrated. And I should call out every Christianity fanboy, if you don't know why, then look for every single popular fanbase and republican party and you'll see why I'm calling them out.

actually, christianity is the most major religion, followed by the islamic then the agnostic, which means non-religion or atheist. heres a link:(<a href="http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adherents.html">http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By _Adherents.html</a>)

I'm calling out Christianity junkies, because all they do is forcing beliefs on people, listening to everything that the bible says literally regardless of its old metaphors.

forcing beliefs? that is a stereotype from people who dont like us, which is a very small population... including you i guess.
oh, and i think you maybe be catholic, correct? well about the old metaphors, im guessing your talking about the the old testament. we listen regardless of the old testament because of what god said in the new testament. read a king james bible for once and see our point of views before you begin to stereotype about us.

When it comes to calling out the most overrated religion known as Christianity, NOTHING IS RUDE FOR DOING SO. Literal beliefs and self contradicted morals are as crippled as a completely deformed, disabled life cell covered in cancer.

okay then, how is christianity overrated? it does have literal beliefs but not in the way you understand, and how do we contradict ourselves morally? i want to see your example for each.

I didn't like how you changed a few words in my numbering, it feels like you put words in my mouth.

And no I'm not getting married for shit, it's too expensive and love is bullshit. So there's no reason for me to do so.

And just because Christianity is the most popular doesn't make it the best choice. Every time I go there, it offends me for not having their beliefs which is stupid. What's wrong with having other beliefs that have nothing to do with so many abstract things? Another reason why I hate getting into it, the topics are too abstract, and they want you to think it's true? I should be on drugs in order to see all that shit. That's last time I get brainwashed from there, it's not worth following to me. Though I have more reasons why I'm an atheist since I was a kid other than Christianity being the most overrated.

Now don't judge me just because I'm an Atheist. It's the stupidest thing to do and has no purpose but to shove unwanted beliefs down their throats, OKE'?

And no, I'm not a small population, 600,000 people is not so small nor so big for small countries that're not the U.S.

This kind of Christ stereotype is actually huge in my country and huge in FOX NEWS and the Republican party.

As I said before the morals are so metaphoric even Christians themselves take it way too literally that's not even funny. If the second testament exist, then why is there still people following the older one? It makes no sense.

How do we contradict ourselves morally? Ahh... I'm glad you asked. >:3

It's simply by reading one verse then move a few pages and find another verse that happens to contradict the previous one you just read. Specially verses that involves destruction and claim they're good which is another way of contradiction.

Let's just say "thou shawl not steel" a commandment that's now a common political law. The contradiction here is what if the person needs recourses? Are you gonna make him suffer for not having any? And you said the world would be a better place WITH religion. Right now multiple contradictions occurred, plus there're many religions that disagree with each other and cause wars because of it. Yet another religious contradiction, and it keeps piling up in a food chain in the style of Jesus' prayer beads. Yet they say the world is better WITH religion.


im sorry you feel that put words in your mouth. its no problem if you dont want to marry, a lot of people dont because they dont have the time, they fear of heart break, they find it hard to communicate socially, or lists of other reasons. and even tho its the most popular, i never said it was the best. i dont judge you for being an atheist, you chose to follow which ever path you want, i dont judge, period. i didnt judge when i had a highschool student as a sex ed teacher, and i dont judge you right now. what country do you belong in exactly? and, oh the stereotypes. first off, fox news is shit the even i wouldnt waste a toilet flush on. second, i dont know your counry, so i can say anything. and third, i dont care much for any political side, besides the one i am in, which is liberal. i dont care if the dominicans dont believe in global warming, or if the republicans think christianity is the greatest religion in the world. stereotping is not cool.(wow, im a hypocrite) now the contradictions. they contradict each other because there are two sets of rules, the new testament, folleow by the christians, and the old testament, followed by catholics and jews. the new testament is the rules the christians follow, because it was given by who they percieve as the son, or reincarnate, of god, jesus. while the catholic and jewish religion believe that the prophet has yet to come, and so believe that jesus was not god, and so they do not follow the rules of the new testament, rather the old. it is explained in more details in the king james verion of the bible. niw the thing about the man who steals for food, why does he steal? its because he does not work. why does he not work? its because he wont, or he cant. why can he? its because he's disable in some way. how do they live? they depend on the government to supply them with the means, or they steal, or they try to find easier, more honest ways to make a living.

oh, and this part {Right now multiple contradictions occurred, plus there're many religions that disagree with each other and cause wars because of it. Yet another religious contradiction, and it keeps piling up in a food chain in the style of Jesus' prayer beads. Yet they say the world is better WITH religion.} here is a youtube video that hit me just when you said that - <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5e_vNNkbCI">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5e_vN NkbCI</a>

now about the multiple religion. there is multiple religion so if one doesnt like one of the religions, they can choose another one. if you rather not having a religion, thats your choice, a lot of people dont.

I made it clear that I'll work in my place until my Dad finds a job and after I get paid.

Here's a difference between a Christianity junkie and a Christianity junk-fuck. The junkie is obsessive but calm, but the junk-FUCK is dogmatic and an asshole. You now get why I used the term junk-fuck?

Have you seen a T-shirt that says "You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same."? That's an indication that calls every fashion/society puppet a bunch of clones which is true.

So I'm a stereo-type? Whatever American, I'd be a stereo-type if I was a generic Puerto Retard who listens to shitty bland overrated music that gets recycled into multiple badly influential songs and then judge people who listen to good Rock music. Hint: "Puerto Retard"

Imagen how the economy would be if it gives the poor discounts if they have a credit card while rich people have to pay full price? It would be like this:

Less than $1,000 in the bank = 1/2 discount in purchases
$1,000 to $32,000 in the bank = 1/4 discount in purchases
$32,000 to $1,000,000 in the bank or no bank account = default prices

So if you have $500 in the bank and you're buying a $600 TV, you'll spend $300 because of your bank discount.

Though this method would have a chance to fail for countless reasons.

"I don't judge you" lol you just did. Or is it that you're use to saying "I don't wanna hurt your feelings"?

can we switch this convo onto an im page later or something? its kinda getting annoying having to scroll down to re-look at what you said.

okay, is there a group in christianity thats not a junkie or a junk-fuck? cuz im pretty sure i am in that one. i think im the "laid back christian", i really dont dog people about sinning and religion, and im not obsessive... well, atleast not on religion, but im obsessed with a good cause. now, your quote, "You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same.", kinda goes different for me.
im, like the weiredest person in my school, and ive takin tht title, "freak", proudly and to a new extreme, but for some unfathomable reason, people respect me for it. i got more friends, than i thought id get with this kinda of life style and attitude, but hey, what ever works. i made myself the complete anti-teen angst, im a freak, and proud of it, and ive devoted my young life to being as different as other people as i can, but people like that. difference and individuality is the new poular, and same in my area.

about the economy thing, i would totally do that! it sounds like a fun little expirement, and it would put power in the hands of the weak... did you even glance at the youtube video? cause if you did, then you gotta agree that that was a cool vid. c'mon, you know you want to! heh, thats the same line i used with this chick!(or should i say chica!)

'ay, i finally found out what your country was! lemme just ask my 'rican friends what the economic status of puerto rico is... are fried banana's good? i dont want to sound racist, or sterotypical, i just never eaten a fried or grilled banana. a lot of my friends say that it taste caramel-y.

oh, and im not american, im asian... just to let you know.

Not until we stop writing these tediously long paragraphs.

Is there a non junkie in Christianity you ask? Well there's the average man... but that's not saying much.

Also I really hate teens because of this stupid generation. Good thing I went through that life stage. But in my area, similarity is what's popular and I hate similarity, it's so generic and annoying.

I never eat fried bananas either, instead I eat "tostones". You know those hard bananas? They're called "platanos", and that's where tostones and fried bananas come from. But technically they're not really called bananas even if they look like them, there's a difference. The reason why the "fried platanos" taste like caramel is that they're from a different (and hard in banana skin) banana species.

arent our long tedious paragraphs getting shorter?

does that mean the average man is a christian?

i thought you were seven"teen" which means your still, technically a teen. also, in my area, we call similiar people, sheep, and their role models, the shepherds. im in the group called "other..." which most people arent. i can count all the people i know on the other group with only one hand.

i didnt know that about fried bananas, ill be sure to look into it, thank you.

Well like I said before. The average man isn't saying much about religion.

And about age variables, just because 17 is pronounced "seven teen" doesn't really make the person a teen if that age is on the "mature stage" which is a year before "adult". The teen age only ranges from 13 to 16, not up to 19 which is a misconception.

but the major percent of men are christians.

you sound very mature now that you dont have your head in your ass... srry, i just miss the long winded, complicated, and somewhat pointless conversations we've just had. ohh, and im younger than you... just saying

Sure, but are they obsessive? The answer is obvious, no.

I'm skeptical. But, I'm willing to over look that skepticism if you could riddle me this.... Would you like to take ZONE down and do it with others who have a passion for WAR?

You want me to take ZONE SAMA down so badly? After all the childhoods she has raped and ruined. I say it would be nice for revenge for how sick and overrated she is.

ZONE just makes New Grounds look like a hentai site just to encourage more people to spam the flash genre with hentai until the site is no longer for everyone.

So tell me, what do you have for me?
Ugh, your voting power's weak, and you need a flash artist? That I can't do, but what I CAN do is gather strong voting powers.

You have your flash army, and I have my voting army.

You need to have a voting power of 5 or higher in order to join me.

using the internet as your own personal army? you people a have to know that this wont end good. look at all the people who tried, they all failed, were humiliated, or became prime points for net stalkers. check out jessi leonhardt, aka jessi slaughter, anon, olivia parson, mr fetch, alex wuori, arran kirkup. these people were destroyed by ther so called "internet army"/ im not trying to stop you, i just want you to know the challenges and the consequences if you fail... they aint good. jessi actually needs police protection now.

So you don't believe in the Anonymous? They've done countless things on the internet and succeeded many times.

How can an internet army be destroyed? They're called internet groups. They're assigned to do certain things according to their leaders.

Not everyone has failed, those people you mentioned don't even know HOW to make an army. Mainly because they give their personal info away (which causes big problems), and their plans are disorganized.

That explains why they failed and they're not the whole population who tried.

I know a lot of people who made internet groups to either have activities or bash other people for certain reasons. They didn't fail and those odds you've mentioned don't exist. IF you're smart enough not to give your personal info and organize your plans.