I'm from Electronics shop class and I got a job for the practice to learn more of my shop class. Not for the money, you don't need money if you have it.
So I got this job at the end of October and it turns out to be nothing like electronics. Instead it's for stupid cop equipment with little of my workshop, just seizure lights and ear bleeding noises. What the hell is wrong with these cops with their crap that's painful to the five senses?! Fuck that!
I do very little in that job, JUST MOVING BOXES AND NOTHING ELSE! Plus I have an asshole "taxi man" who thinks he's boss when he isn't and happens to be my class mate. One day I'll hammer his face so that he wont show me this "I command you" attitude bullshit and burn his bibles and all the churches he goes to. I forgot to mention he's a Christianity junk-fuck and a Special Ed kid.
I talked to my dad about this and realizes that I should quit after getting paid (end of November) because I really need the education (It's more important in my country than shit money) to expand my electronic skills AND NOT BULLSHIT LIKE HEARING LOWED NOISE, GETTING SEIZURES BY COP LIGHTS OR DOING SHIT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY WORKSHOP!!! I NEED TO GET BETTER AT ELECTRONICS GOD DAMN IT!!
And like I said before, I'm not there for the money, I'm there for my practice. Those greed fagots should understand that by now. They can have sex with dirty money all day long, but I have more important things to do than money.
Yet my brother says otherwise while not knowing jack shit of what you can do with high education.
Here's what you can do with education:
1: Put it to practice. $0
2: After practice, use it for great strategies for any field. $0
3: Communicate better depending on what society you studied. $0
4: Make documentaries locally. $0
5: Expansion and satisfactory. priceless
So many things you can do without the use of trash money. Silly cash fagots (and I also included my brother and all my class mates as CASH FAGOTS cause that's all they care for and would bitch and wine just because I don't work in holidays and "I don't get payed", which is something you ignorant people shouldn't care for), resources and come first.
Fuck that job, I wont learn how to do shit because of it, it's time to quit this waste of time as it gives nothing (if you say "because it gives you no money" you need to be slapped hard in the face for being a cash fag so stop feeding the junkies) for my needs.
UPDATE: Now the asshole "taxi man" (who's no longer my taxi driver) works for the company? Now that's just a cheap excuse to continue his assholery even further by being the wannabe boss! I'm starting to lose it.
well, its not that i want to contradict you or anything but, you'd go pretty far with money. i once remembered a story about an illiterate guy who want to get a job as a bookie at the local whorehous who ended up on a giant fruit selling empire just because he came across some apple. plus, a good, or even decent education costs money. it costs a lot to go to college, to get a car, to buy a home, and to serenade your loved ones. you need money to make money. what good is an education, if you have no base to build upon it?
a high education is a good, and useful thing in life, bu money also brings in influence and influence brings in support, and support brings in more money, which you could use to buy stuff to make your life, and your education easier. how will you pay bills, how will you support your family, kids? money factors into a lot of things, so does an education, but i choose being economy savvy, over being a genius on one subject alone. if you can be one step ahead of the economy, if you can guess what will become popular and what wont, if you can understand the humans need for product, then you can build an empire. then from said empire, you can gain an education, them spread your influence.
oh, and please do not call out a certain group of people, race, religion, or gender, its just rude. that being said, a large population in the world is christian.
Long is long......
1: I didn't go too far with money, money went too far with me.
2: I already have money. If you need it, you don't have it, if you have it, you don't need it. Get it?
3: Simple, you don't need a base to get education, you gain it from experience mostly.
4: Money only brings greed into the table, one big flaw that overshadows it and what I can't stand. And like I said before, I'm in a country of piss poor education more poor than its money.
5: Look sir, the more money there is in the world, the less valuable (rare). And there are many things more valuable than money.
6: I'd rather get all the info straight from the internet/experience and do experiments to learn than to spend money on something I can get for free.
7: After I graduate from high school I'll get a better job, but I'm not planning on having children. But buying a house comes 10 years later when I think about it.
8: It factors in lots only because of the Monetary system. A system that's falling apart these days.
9: I'd rather go with education, because remember, I'm not in the U.S. for you to tell me to pick otherwise. The education in my country is much more rare than what you think it is.
10: Forget the humans, we're all doomed anyways no matter what we do. Humans can't fix anything.
11: Where did you come from in talking about empires now? That's so primitive.
12: The religion thing is not true. Earth is not mostly Christian. That religion has broken morality and it's overrated. And I should call out every Christianity fanboy, if you don't know why, then look for every single popular fanbase and republican party and you'll see why I'm calling them out.
I'm calling out Christianity junkies, because all they do is forcing beliefs on people, listening to everything that the bible says literally regardless of its old metaphors.
When it comes to calling out the most overrated religion known as Christianity, NOTHING IS RUDE FOR DOING SO. Literal beliefs and self contradicted morals are as crippled as a completely deformed, disabled life cell covered in cancer.