You know what's strange? You don't see much M-Rated content being uploaded in this site as before.
Now 80% of the time, you see childish flash submissions being uploaded to New Grounds. What the hell happened?
This site has changed (late 2011), it's not what it use to be (well, not talking about the first 2000s, but 2006 and higher).
What's with all this kiddy stuff they're shoving down our throats? Something's wrong here. A large fraction of the classic New Grounds community is being absent to this site when it comes to giving content.
And I'm only saying this because of today's latest uploads (October 11th), you can barely find M-rated content in that purple stuff. And recently, I just saw a non flash submission (which could have been uploaded to You Tube instead) pass judgement regardless of not having a play button and no animation in flash. From that submission, its author who registered in May this year, doesn't seem to understand that this site is about flash (mostly flash), music, and drawings. Not some bland camera vid that's better uploaded on You Tube.
Who the hell are these new fags who just discovered New Grounds and cared little about its core interest?