Python coder and pixel artist with neither sanity nor happiness.
Discord: elt.bicky (EltBicky#4304)

Elt Bicky @Eltro2kneo

Age 31, Male




Joined on 4/12/08

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lulz that is cool

internet isn't infinite... is "huge as hell", very close to infinite, but no, it's not infinite

I didn't say that the internet is infinite, the information on the internet may be a lot huge, but it has an infinite data space for more information to be added.

It's the data storage of the internet that's infinite, not the available information.

Didn't you read correctly?

yes... read it correctly... and no, the data storage isn't infinite...
maybe internet information will never fill the data storage, but that's because the more info is added, the more storage is added too

That's impossible, putting more websites to create more storage is like saying "putting more water in a gallon to create more space for more water to get in." Which makes absolutely no sense.

Websites do not add more storage, they only fill up the data storage which is impossible to be full.

You can make as many websites as you can and the data storage is still not full.

So if you're saying that "the more data is created the more storage is created", it's the same thing as saying "the storage is infinite", because new data gets created in the internet ALL THE TIME.

Just like money because of its constant inflation, it can reach to infinite amounts of virtual cash because it comes from dept, people pay the dept so there could be more money physically, so the more physical money their is, the more dept, if paying the dept to create more money in the bank, the higher amounts of money, the higher amounts of dept, and it goes on and on until the system collapses even if money is physically not infinite. But that's not the case...

You can try and write as many messages as you like and the storage remains incomplete. That is one thing you don't understand about the internet, it's a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP(getting data from one device to another)/IP(gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying info) network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange.

So how exactly can there be a limit if you say that more data is more data storage? That's where you messed up because you basically said the synonym of "infinity".

It could have made more sense if you said it another way around as in:
"More data storage available, is more data added" = limited(more space for more stuff)
instead of
"More data, is more storage created" = infinite(data creates storage)

You failed to say it's not infinite and you failed to understand the internet data storage in "why is it infinite?". Look at the network population and stored data in the 1990s and today and it'll answer why. The answer is obvious...

who the FUCK say more website?...
i didn't mean the data makes more storage.. i say the more the USERS add info and data... the MORE STORAGE is added so the stupid user can add more shit...

and yes, i understand Internet.. how about you reading this <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet </a>

you are the one that don't understand the idea of "infinite" by itself...

i liked the part you say... "storing" when explaining the TCP... sorry but, where does the Internet info is storage?... tell me...

check this: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_network">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer _network</a>
Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks (and I know you did know that)
a computer network is a group of computers that are connected to each other (cool, you know that too)
but the TOTAL storage you can get... is the total of all the computer "storage"

so tell me... where is the information of the Internet? where is it storage?